Everyone is doing SO well! But Hank...oh, Hank... 

Hank is a Komondor (PKC) puppy, and he is just so absolutely gorgeous. But I guess you just can't have beauty and brains. This poor puppy is so dumb I don't even know what to do about it. Every time he does a "trick", he just flops onto the floor. He's just now getting the hang of fetch, as he decided to play and I said well sure why not at least he'll learn something!! So he can go fetch with a little coaxing, and brings it back when I snap, but he still wont let it go. But that's alright! At least it's something. I just cannot get him to do tricks! I think I got him to do one or two, but he won't repeat them even! But boy can he pose. Almost every click. Pose. Pose. Pose. So maybe we'll keep him away from obedience and focus on just looking cute :3 He's got such a personality on him. He is very affectionate and very territorial of me, and really hates pretty much any dog I put him out with. Normally that's something that would really bother me but there's just something about this puppy, my god.

Oh, and I also wanted to mention Marley, Aggie's newest pup. He's just SO cute. He has a scottie body but this cute dane head and dane ears. And he is fully black. LOVE it. 

Hank, the most not pose photo I've got of him! haha <3
Baby Marley

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