So on a separate computer (because I cant get PetzA profiles to work D:) I keep all my petz for breeding, and I need to do a bit of a clean out, and I want to show off my recent favorite, and one dog that's coming over to the main computer because she is TOO CUTE!
The first gen parents are not for adoption, but all the other dogz are. Please take a look at the adoption center and apply for a pup :3

So, here is the little girl I was working for, and I'm SO excited because I thought it'd take much longer to get a puppy so least to me! I saw someone else who had bred a dali and a mutt by accident and I just fell in love...why had I never thought of that (at least not this time around in my petz adventures!). I was just going to keep her on the other computer and keep her for breeding and everything but she is just SO gorgeous and sweet I had to bring her to this one. LOVE her  <3 she's got such awesome markings and colors (natural colors in photo! mutt colors with dali spots :3) and I was so happy to have captured Svedka's grey eyes. I also love that black spot on her toe. Too Cute!!! 
Meet, Champagne!

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