Finally starting to get some breeds going. This may be slow going as I want to make sure they're absolutely perfect before I send them for downloading. 

Keep an eye out for a dali variation as well as a few other pets I can't wait for you guys to see :)
They will be available under "downloads" as soon as they are up, and we will let you know on the front page under "Upda
Memphis Rains, Dax, and A Little Mixed Up, are all away from their mother's now!

Mixed Up is such a priss, it's so cute! She is part mini fluff poodle so it's expected! She is such an interesting looking dog. Rains is stocky like his father and takes after him being a natural poser! He doesn't really walk or run...he jumps! Constantly! It's hilarious, I cannot seem to get this dog to stop jumping haha.
Dax is FULL of energy, he never stops running. 

And I can't get these two away from each other. 10 minutes into play time and Snow Ridge and Rainbow River were expecting a new puppy! Having PetzA it was immediately born (though naturally created!) and we just welcomed a little girl, Rainbow Creek! She looks a lot like her mother, I can't wait to see her grow into an adult!

Pig just gave birth to the tiniest CowElephantDog you've ever seen. Yeah, cow elphant ...and a mini poodle fluff and phooey. 4 breeds all together, 2 really really huge, and 2 really really tiny. It came out very very small, but with VERY long legs, and looks mostly like a cow. Her legs are so long and small they keep disappearing! I can't wait to see how big she gets :x

Snow Ridge also went out and found another girlfriend (what a stud, jeeze), Milk Shake, the cow. The baby, Snow Cone, is surprisingly adorable! It looks like a mutt kind of dog but with super long legs. Messing with PetzA she's at "6" now so she can walk. Very interesting to say the least. She is really cute though and I love her to death!
A whole new website is made! 
Getting things ready to hex and edit!
Memphis Rains learned to walk! Cherry (P5) gave birth to 3 kittens (Root Beer Float, Cream Soda, and Energy Drink) by father Rex Luther Marx. 
Sonya and Krisp welcome puppy In a Dream.